July Minimal & Bold Bullet Journal Theme - Pink & Purple

The year’s half over and I felt like it was time for a change! I’m cycling out some of my old faithful spreads and pages in favour of experimenting with new layouts. This is why I like bullet journaling so much! When your circumstances change, or you just get bored, you can choose to do something different and adapt.

Click above to watch the Plan With Me video on Youtube, or scroll down to see more photos and find links to all the supplies I used to make this setup!

Cover page & calendar page

I wanted to keep things simple for July - just two colours, two washi tapes, and lots of negative space. I’ve based my headings for the whole month off a font called Abril Fatface, and here on the cover page, filled in the letter spaces with washi tape to give them some dimension. I’ve seen people do this on socials and thought the craft knife might cut through the journal pages but it actually is as easy as they make it look!

I think the top-and-bottom washi strip is actually a bit much but it’s there now so I’ll roll with it! If I was going to do this again I’d probably just add a little in each corner.

Musings & Goals spread

This is usually my gratitude log, goals and currently section page, but I’ve been finding the gratitude log a bit of a chore lately. Rather than set up a page I don’t really want to use, I’ve combined my goals section with a new favourite I started adding in May - a “musings” page, a little like a brain dump where I gather quotes, thoughts, observations - like a micro-journal in the same way that Twitter is a bit like a micro-blog. When I fill the musings section in, I like highlighting key words by adding them with my letter stamps, which are a similar font to the headings I’ve done here. I think this page will look so lovely all filled in!

Spending Log & Phone/Sleep Tracker

While some things change, others stay the same. These classic pages aren’t changing at all! I did think the spending log looked a bit too empty at the top, so I cut a couple of flowers out of the pattern of the washi tape and added them like stickers either side of the header.

Habit Tracker, Mood Tracker

Now that I’ve worked out my Phomemo bluetooth printer habit tracker hack, it’s hard to imagine doing it the hard way anymore! I’ve printed six calendars for habit tracking for July, but I haven’t allocated them to habits just yet - I’ll leave it until I’ve decided what I want to track.

I’m using the same mood tracker set up as last month because I just wasn’t feeling creative enough to think of something new!

Content calendar spread

This one hasn’t changed much from the past few months - lots of space for social media planning, and I like having a space for tasks as well so I can list everything I still need to get done here AND move them into my weekly to do lists too.

Weekly Spread

Yep, it’s true… I’ve gone for a weekly with a column for tasks for each day rather than a running to-do list! I’ve been having trouble getting motivated and procrastinating a LOT lately, so I’m looking for a bit more structure from my systems. I’m hoping this will help me be a bit more on top of things, and schedule in home tasks like laundry too. I like using the same weekly for a whole month, so they’ll all look the same as this.

Supplies & Links

Disclaimer: some of the below links are affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase through those links, I’ll make a small commission.

Notebook: Archer & Olive April Showers A5 dotted journal
Washi tapes: The Washi Tape Shop Dreamland Violet Washi Tape 2pc set
Markers: Tombow dual brush pens in carnation 761, purple sage 623 and periwinkle 603
Iridescent sticker paper: Lincraft
Fineliner: Sakura Sigma Micron 03
Bluetooth thermal printer: Phomemo M02 with semi-transparent paper
Craft knife: Bunnings
15cm ruler: Officeworks


Let’s Flip Through my January to July Bullet Journal


Moving into my New Bullet Journal Midyear